Before The Brand...
The owner of the brand, Cody Demerais, was not always on his current path; he battled with many addictions, mental health issues, and his lifestyle led him to trouble with the law more often than not. Cody eventually was involved in an incident that would change him and his best friends life forever.
After leaving a party together in high school, both intoxicated, they were involved in a crash. The car was going 116 km/hr and suddenly came to a complete stop, hitting a tree. Cody had his seatbelt on, but his friend did not. His friend almost didn’t survive the accident; Cody attempted to take his own life knowing this. Thankfully he was unsuccessful.
The two young men both eventually healed together and continued on with their lives; they have done plenty of public speaking together about the incident that they overcame. These two have survived, exceeded expectations, and pushed limits.

Beginning Of The Brand...
After surviving the events of his younger days, Cody felt he had a responsibility now, a calling, a purpose!
He wanted to impact people’s lives in a positive light and in uplifting messages. He was tired of the misery and depression he lived with for years trying to find his way in life...
Then Cody remembered an art project back in grade school. The project was to come up with your own label (Brand)... This stuck with Cody for some reason ever since then. As he worked as an EA for ’youth at risk’ as a young adult, he started reading positive self-help books, and later on, he came up with the idea to make his grade school project a reality...
The idea bounced around in his mind for months. Until one day it clicked after watching his favorite movie “Limitless”; the concept of becoming truly limitless pulled on his heart strings and that’s what he set out for. Cody aims to inspire and motivate people to strive to be limitless and live a happy life by overcoming expectations and stepping outside of their comfort zones.
Saving up a couple paycheques as an EA to buy his first box of T-shirts, that he folded, separated by size and color, and put in the trunk of his car, he would drive and meet friends across town in the mornings before work and after selling and spreading the message of being “Limitless”...

The Brand Today...
After just starting three years ago out of the trunk of his car, Cody's brand "Limitless Gear Clothing" has made its way to a full retail location, in his hometown of Prince Albert Saskatchewan, where it all started...
The brand continues to strive in a positive light, and impact those who hear of the message and the story behind the brand.
As for Cody, he will be the first one to admit that the brand has saved his life. It gave him a purpose, and he enjoys every single day spreading the brand's motto “Shift Gears, Be Limitless”.
From the very first day of opening the store front on November 29th, 2019, he received an "inspirational award" from the community as a Metis leader, as well as being named one of the finalist for “young entrepreneur of the year” through the Saskatchewan Chambers of Commerce. In September of 2021, Limitless Gear was nominated as a finalist in the provincial Abex awards, and went on to win the Abex award the same year!
The dream that started it all continues on. We’re a brand with a message, and we are here to motivate and inspire!